My sewing machine and I were tight yesterday! This is a section showing the free motioned, background stitching on this painted piece - that, by the way, measures 17x14" (hip, hip hooray - well into the double digits!). If you click on the photo it will enlarge and you can see all the details.
Now I'm hand stitching accents on the flora. I wanted to finish this today but that's not going to happen. The hand embroidery is going to take hours that I can't give! We're going to friends for the afternoon. Would it be rude to bring along hand sewing? Talking and stitching....that works for me.....
nothing rude in keeping your hands busy I figure :-)
Love the color and textures you have on this- hope you post it again when you've got the stitching done. And I'm all for keeping hands busy, even while visiting with friends!
Wonderful piece! Ah, the things we can create when that awful "block" is gone...I can see the joy in your work!
A fantastic piece so far. I love the beautiful, intricate stitching. I am such a stitchin' chicken. I wish I could open up and experiment more with thread. This is a very inspirational piece.
i LOVE this, mom.
Hi Denise,
This is absolutely beautiful!!
~ Diane Clancy
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