Just My Size
Unison is a local arts center near us that - lo and behold! - is sponsoring an art exhibit of small 5x5" art work. Can you imagine how psyched I am about this? Over the weekend I was talking a bit with Melanie about why I like to work small. Manageable is the word that kept coming to mind......I'm able to produce art while living in my often kinetic life, I don't get bored, I can try out ideas without a huge commitment, I can sit quietly with favorite people and stitch while listening to music, or work and get lost in that never, never land of right brainedness that I dwell in so often. Oh....and....I mustn't forget that holding a small piece of textural, fabric art in the palm of my hand is a real visceral pleasure for me.The piece above (that is not finished) will be a 5x5". It is comprised of one of my abstract paintings printed on silk and then another abstract gelatin print printed on organza and overlaid on the silk. More hand stitching and other textural elements to come.
There is a wonderful intimacy about miniatures.
this is delicate and haunting. well done!
additionally, as you know, i love your blog! please visit mine and claim your bloggy prize :)
Lovely! Small is just as powerful as big.
I love this piece. It has some wonderful depth to it, and the colors are lovely!
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