Now...some of you might be thinking 'wow, she must have a certain amount of prestige in the alternative art world to get published'. NOT SO. I have found that getting your art published in magazines and books involves chutzpah more than Master Artist status. If the idea of being published is enticing to you - make art and then go out an promote it. Promote it by proposing an article you can write for a magazine on a subject or technique, promote it by connecting with other art world people via the internet and live shows, promote it by honestly talking with other people about their art and sharing your thoughts and experiences and, finally, promote it by being what makes you an artist in the first place - by using your creativity.
I live in the Hudson Valley of NY. Hurricane Irene is breathing down our necks this weekend. Should prove interesting.
I'm in the Hudson Valley, too, worrying about my plants being wind-pruned. Just wanted to say congratulations on the publication. I enjoyed what you had to say about promotion. Working toward being better at it, as so many of us are!
Congrats on thebook. You know I'll be coming by with a copy for you to sign. :)
Battenign down down here as well. I wasn;t going to tape the windows. Now I am. I think it's as much to dissipate nervous energy as it is to protect the house.
Congratulations on being including in Seth's book, I should be in there too. It was great to see the cover, can't wait for the final version to arrive.
Good luck battling the storm, think we're doing ok here in North VA but watching it's progress.
A lot of people follow Seth Apter so expect more interest iin your work. Well done.
And, yes,stay safe in the storm.
Congratulations!! I look forward to seeing the book. I hope you survived the storm.
Congrats on your piece in Seth's book. He is a very popular guy and it has a lot to do with his gentle and generous personality on the one hand and his creative spirit on the other.
Hope Irene passed by without causing too much trouble!
Just found your blog through Seth's blog. I love your assemblage and paintings. congrats on getting in the book. I will have to get a copy. Pam
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