Saturday, March 8, 2008

Artist's Block

The words at the top of this collage say "The Artist's Love". Well, I'm experiencing "The Artist's Hate". You know...that uninspired malaise that grips you with the anxiety that this is the New You? It is a rainy, dreary day here in New York...perfect for art-ing...but will I be doing that? Probably not. Inspiration has taken a hiatus and must be visting others this week (good for all of you who are blessed). I am going to post this collage on Etsy and then go up to my workspace and do some cleaning. I'm trying to turn the negative into a positive...this is a good thing...I know, I know...but I'm yearning for that adrenaline rush filled with so many ideas that it hurts my brain.

This collage is dedicated to Carla who has been in my thoughts quite a bit the past few days. It was inspired by a quote a fellow artist was kind enough to share ..."keep a green tree in your heart and a singing bird is sure to come." (Chinese Proverb). A singing bird visited me this week and let me know it was alright.


Anonymous said...

I tell my writing students: There is no such thing as writer's block. Some things take longer to ripen than others, and everyone need some down time to rest, refresh, and (as Julia Cameron puts it) refill the creative well. Name-calling will neither help or change the situation. Accept it for what it is, use it to your advantage, and have faith.

Cindibee said...

Artist's Block is the bane of my existence, because for me, sometimes it lasts long enough for the spark to die out completely. I've told myself that for my newfound creative desire of the last year, I will do everything in my power to keep it going, even when that flame is at its lowest. But it can be oh so exhausting sometimes...

I love your collage, and it's work like yours that acts as that gentle breeze that gets my creative fire burning again. (If that makes any sense without sounding creepy. :p )