Thursday, April 9, 2009


I put together the piece above last night using some of the fabric I had dyed, discharged and silk screened.

Then I stage it on top of another piece of cloth I had created. Do you think it works with that background cloth? I kind of like the unexpectedness of the colors and the overall tribal type of feeling it has. I'd love to hear your opinions.


Karen C Schoch said...

I do like this a lot. A Question: On the background fabric - the lighter color is that from the original screening (just using two colors) or is that the second screening spoken of in an earlier post (the one with the gold over the red)?
Should there be a bit of red near the top too?

MHFiler said...

This is interesting, It looks totally different on that backgroud. I have to tell you what I saw, Epithelial, it reminds me of the epithelial cells that we took in biology class from the cheek swab. its kinda funny too because you layed one piece over the other like skin.

BLUEYEDUCKstudios said...

the lighter pieces are LIFTing and Rising UP - it makes aesthetic "sense" this way - balance, peace, order, harmony... yes...
