Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ok...sooooo...most people wouldn't look at this and say "that's Steve" (husband person) but it does bear a resemblance to him...if I do say so myself. I plan to try drawing everyday since I've now committed (hear that, Melanie?) to hanging at least 15 pieces of art on a gallery wall in March. What made me willing to get off the fence and commit was when the gallery director told me she would be thrilled with acrylic abstracts and textile art in addition to some pastel paintings. A complete multi media show - just the thing for this woman who has difficulty committing to any one thing.....


Melanie said...

commitment is a good thing.
a deadline is a good thing.
someone (or more than one) who gets you is a good thing.

congrats on having these good things flooding in!!!!!!!

Francesca said...

Drawing every day, yes! something I'm thinking of committing to myself. Congrats on the show, I know you'll rock it!

adrienne trafford said...

ooooh look at you drawing! you go girlfriend - you will be awesome at the show!