Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cleaning had the best intentions this afternoon. I was going to start cleaning and organizing some of my art materials. About 20 minutes into the task I discovered a piece of dyed fabric that demanded I overlay with some dyed silk organza. An hour or so later this piece emerged. And now there's a bit more mess to organize...tomorrow is another day, isn't it?


my croft said...

well . . . I'm sure this is clean, and it looks pretty well organized to me. A hour very well spent.

I'm registered for Nuala's class in July.

Stitchety Grub said...

I laughed when I read that - you sound like me ...easily side tracked ... always takes me twice as long to tidy my studio as it should... and as you say "tomorrow is another day"
Giggle Britt in West Australia

melicia's fiber art and mixed media said...

How much artwork would really get done if we finished all the cleaning first? And which brings more fulfillment?

Julie Bagamary said...

Oh - I like this piece. Very peaceful.

Dixie Redmond said...

Hey! I was going to organize my art materials, too! ;-)