As I journey forth in this creative life I’m leading (and am grateful each and every day for the support that allows me this opportunity) I find my quest is always to push the creative envelope, create more abstractly, more adventurously. It is a daunting proposition.
I never pursued enrollment in art courses or workshops. My only exposure to formal classroom training was high school art classes where I found myself intimidated by all those stars who were able to draw & paint up a storm. I looked upon their work with awe, believing my artistic leanings were more a dream than a possible reality. Working with fabric was relegated to Home Ec where sewn aprons & skirts ruled the day. It was the land where precision, control & skillfully executed techniques were queen. The wish to sew outside the lines was viewed with dismay and certainly not acceptable nor encouraged. Looking back all I can say is….much like the mind, creative desire is an awful thing to waste.
This summer I have enrolled in a 4 day workshop that will explore paper and fabric collage. It’s about time.