Finished with hand stitching just about ready to be mounted on a painted canvas. Have a great day everyone.
People have told me that the art I create...whether in fabric, mixed media or pastels is filled with a sense of emotion. The first time I was told this I was a bit taken aback and considered it a lone remark. By the 3rd expressed observation in this same vein I started to believe it. Then I started to analyze it. I like earthy. I like organic. I like real. I like heartfelt. I like substance. I like deep thinking. I find these qualities attractive in people and in art. The work in progress above is constructed from my own surface designed fabrics. It may not be a masterpiece but a lot of real work, effort and feeling went into its creation.
What better thing to do with this beautiful warm weather and committment free weekend than mess around with surface designing cloth? I was inspired to try potato starch resist dyeing and I'm pretty darn happy with the results. The pieces above and below might end up as whole cloth that I'll add stitching to...maybe...I don't think I can bring myself to cut them up...not these....
Still messing with the oils. This is a work in progress - have to get up the nerve to finish the porch. This is painted from a photograph that was taken by my friend at Olana. Olana was the home of Fredric Church, who along with his buddy Thomas Cole, did some very famous paintings and become quite prominent in the late 19th century art world. They are quite the ticket around here in the Hudson Valley.