Are you reading this?
I went to post this today and - lo & behold! - Blogger has locked my blog because I might be a spammer. Apparently a human will review my blog and allow it to publish if deemed to be legit. Well I'd like to tell them that no, I'm not a spammer....more like a spammee. Lately my blog has been infiltrated with comments from lottery games, someone getting on an airplane that I should contact immediately (what the heck is that all about?) and other various disreputables. So...bottom line is....I don't know if anyone will ever see this latest pastel or if I will be forever barred from blogkingdom.By the way, this weekend I'm going to put the pastels aside and work with cloth. The desire to dye and paint fabric has me in its grip.
I can read this post. I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader and it showed up at 4:43 Eastern Time.
Great blog, by the way…
which is why I subscribed…
Hi Denise,
The same thing happened to me but now it's OK again. I guess the Blogger people aprove of us:-)
Your pastels are beautiful.
I never received anything saying I was locked, but I have been trying to upload pictures for 6 days. It won't do it. Don't know whats wrong.
I never had a bit of trouble reading or making posts...could be a browser issue? I'm strictly firefox.
I'm reading. You're not Spam!
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