This was what was going outside my studio window yesterday afternoon. Snow in October? A mini-blizzard in October? One of the wonders of living in the Hudson Valley. What's a woman to do? If you're me it means you do ART and try your hand at nuno felting.
My friend Melanie tells me I should post the sizes of my paintings. She said this after seeing one painting in person and saying "who knew it was this large?" Coming in at only artist trading card size (2.5" x 3.5") if seeing this painting in real life one would have to say "who knew it was this small?"
A couple of weeks ago I met Laura, a lovely and talented collage artist who does lots of artist trading card sized art. Her collages are chock full of emotion and sentiment. I found them quite compelling. Laura frames these wonderful 2-1/2" x 3-1/2" pieces of art in larger white mats and they look fantastic. The large mat pulls you right in to view the small jewel they contain. Laura's work inspired me to create more ATC sized did....(available in my Etsy shop should the spirit move you).
Found some silk scarf blanks the other day when I was digging through some stuff looking for something else (of course I didn't find the other something else). I haven't dyed in awhile so I thought I'd give a whirl. After the first dye bath/batching I randomly applied discharge paste and then spent time ironing it away. Think I'll do another 2 tomorrow in a different color pathway.
What would happen if there were never any changes? Would it be a better world, more enjoyable life if everything were stagnant - even if one's current environment is filled with contentment? If everything (and everyone) were always status quo would that by itself produce a negative change since this is not the natural order of the universe? Giving up control but still taking charge via pro-activity must surely be a rewarding path - yes? Here's to all of you with faith and hope that steps forward will create their own positive energy resulting in experiences that are exciting and rewarding.