Give Them What They Want
I finished this yesterday and listed it for sale in Etsy. What is it about this word - and other popular internet site names - that bugs me? Amazon, Ebay, My Space, even the word blog....they all sound like venues for gum smacking, never read a book individuals who are more interested in the doings of Paris Hilton then whether genocide is occurring any where in the world (no doubt they would think genocide is a new drug of some sort). Is this part of the dumbing of America? Don't get me wrong, I love the internet and still find it amazing how small the world has become as a result of its capabilities but it bothers me that so much of it is pop culture. I guess it is the our century's version of an old fashioned book store. There are the romance novels and then there are the Edith Wharton treasures tucked away in the back corners.
And where is the link sending me to etsy to get more details about this wonderful item???? hmmmm????
:) Very nice piece! Hope it goes well for you at etsy. It still takes a ton of promotion there but sales do happen!
okay, okay I found the link on the side bar. But one in your post as well.
I have just discovered your blog and am enjoying reading it, looking at your beautiful art work at Etsy. Nice use of color and form. I am in a similar boat as you are with my fiber art. Struggling to find my own voice, trying out new things all the time, putting my work out there on Etsy (Laughing Dog Arts) I wonder if you would ever consider trading art with other fiber artists?
i think we need to come up with a new name for blog - although "online journal" sounds pretentious, doesn't it?
yeah, sure the world seems smaller. in fact, it's become so small that people don't even leave their homes anymore, or talk to anyone in person -- everything's "accessible" via computer. good luck with etsy!
btw: "blog" is short for "web log" which is kind of like a "captain's log", but weirder.
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