Finished this today. It's the latest in my how-to-avoid-doing-what-I-should-be-doing project. My first attempt dyeing silk just cried out to be made into something. features dried Kentucky coffee beans from a tree in our front yard (very cool seeds and pods)...if you click on the photo it will get very large and you can check out these beans.
Humm. are these really coffee beans? I love the feeling of the entire piece - everything works so well together!
When you were quilting - do you start and stop each "pair" of swirls? I was wondering how you finish your quilting line (do you tie off, take your stitching down to 0, etc).
I'm kinda avoiding the things I should be doing too! Although I made lots of progress on my Journal Quilt entry and some postcards I need to send. Before I got started I needed to do a pretty good cleanup on my studio table - its been ages since I was up there and the piles were eye high! I have 80% of the huge table cleaned and able to be worked at! PROGRESS!
Love the necklace in the post ablove and this piece of yours is cool, the colour, the doodads hanging off the edge and especially the wire wrapped around the wood at the top...but I live in KY and have never heard of the tree...but I like the look of them.
Well you have really outdone yourself this time. I love the hanging rod, your quilting pattern, the coffee beans. What's not to love about this one.
Humm. are these really coffee beans? I love the feeling of the entire piece - everything works so well together!
When you were quilting - do you start and stop each "pair" of swirls? I was wondering how you finish your quilting line (do you tie off, take your stitching down to 0, etc).
I'm kinda avoiding the things I should be doing too! Although I made lots of progress on my Journal Quilt entry and some postcards I need to send. Before I got started I needed to do a pretty good cleanup on my studio table - its been ages since I was up there and the piles were eye high! I have 80% of the huge table cleaned and able to be worked at! PROGRESS!
:-D eirdre
i am really amazed and overwhelmed with your work.
awesome! LOVE it.
wouldnt mind owning it, truth be told.
Oooh I really like this piece.
Love the necklace in the post ablove and this piece of yours is cool, the colour, the doodads hanging off the edge and especially the wire wrapped around the wood at the top...but I live in KY and have never heard of the tree...but I like the look of them.
It is sooo good for my eyes to look at that!
hi buddy
Are these really coffee beans??? Nyways awesome buddy.I love it.
keep up the work.
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