You know what I need to do? I need to acknowledge Dixie of North Dixie Designs http://northdixiedesigns.blogspot.com/ for giving me a tutorial on the wonders of acrylic paints altered with isopropyl alcohol. Dixie is a great folk artist who creates these amazing dolls but Dixie's paintings are my personal favorite. So much so that I bought one she did of Little Red Riding Hood to give to someone but ended up keeping it for myself (yes selfish...but we all need to gift ourselves once in awhile!). Anyhoo, many months ago Dixie mentioned something about paint and alcohol on a message board we both belong to. I was intrigued and asked her for more info...then I figured why couldn't I do this on fabric....and so the experiments began. Thank you, Dixie!
Awwww. Thanks, Denise. It's really fun isn't it. I'm always amazed though, at how the ***stitching*** is what pulls your pieces together (no pun intended). I love the stitching on the paint.
OOH,pretty! I can't wait to see this piece when it is finished.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
Denise, I went to Dixie's site looking for the paint/alcohol tute-- I love the look you got, and I love to paint, and I love fabric! I can't find the information-- would you share?
I soooooo love this.
Gee, I went looking for the info on her site too.... I'd love to hear about it for a project I have in mind. Andee
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