"What defines art? I’m certainly far from an expert but I do know that any creative work that is compelling, grabs your attention and makes you keep coming back for more is surely an artistic piece. When art work has made a connection with the viewer, that person has been affected in an extraordinary manner. By its very nature art created with cloth and thread is very textural and calls out to be touched, felt and emotionally embraced. This fact is one of the reasons I enjoy creating small textile art pieces. When the viewer is able to hold a textile piece an intimate connection develops that transcends definition. When a piece can be seen upfront and personal by propping it on a shelf by the kitchen sink, or at a desk, or near other spaces that are used in our daily lives it helps to bring pleasure to our everyday world. I also enjoy knowing that my small pieces are affordable, collectable art that can be enjoyed by those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to purchase artwork. To have the ability to bring a smile to someone’s face is a pleasure that makes this artist’s heart sing."
Denise, I totally agree with you! I love making small gems that can be afforded even in tough economic times. I like framing mine, but understand the thought you had about people liking to touch them... your work is very inspiring! Congrats on having your thoughts published...
Nicely said!
So totally well summed up Denise!
Britt Western Australia
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