I started dyeing fabric this summer for the first time. At one point - when I realized I wasn't using dyes but liquid, concentrated fabric paint (ok, ok...you have to like that I fessed up) and was having less than stellar (to say the least) results, I told my husband that I would win the dyeing cloth battle.
The photos above are only a sample of the many, many pieces I created today. As I told my Studio 33 artist friends "I'm in love".
And then, because it seemed like a good idea since the 1/2 bushel of peaches were ripe I made a peach pie. This lovely thing with the heavenly smell could be dinner if my husband person weren't so intent on having protein with the night meal.

A very good day was had by all.
wow, the cloths are stunning! and yum, don't you want to come cook at my house? ;)
Yummmmmmm....the fabrics AND the peach pie! Beautiful.
Denise... I love your dyed fabric.. you said you used fabric paints? Very cool...
Your fabric is beautiful- I'm not clear, is it dyed or painted? Either way, I love it.
And I could smell the peach pie all the way out here in Utah. Yum.
All of this cloth was dyed with procion colors. Awhile back I tried dying cloth with concentrated fabric paints - not on purpose - just because I didn't know what I was doing!
Ahhh I want some of it all!
ok, i gotta couple of things to say here.
1. she does actually use the clothesline. i'm obsessed with using my clothe's dryer because i was raised with line-hung laundry.
2. that fabric is beautiful. i wouldn't mind getting something in the mail made out of it.
3. peach pie?!! i'm jealous. i think i need to visit my mom.
I absolutely love your hand dyed cloth!!!!!
Southshoreartist :)
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